If you do not find what're looking for, please get in touch with using the information below the page.
1 How do I Register?
In case you do not have an account, you can easily create one by clicking on the red button on the top right-hand corner of your screen with the text REGISTER. There you'll input your valid email address, password and confirm password.
A confirmation message shall be sent to that email where you will be required to confirm your account. -
2 How do I Login?
In case you already have an account, you can easily login by clicking on the blue button on the top right-hand corner of your screen with the text LOGIN. Your email used during the registration process is required and password.
Please make sure you enter the correct email and password. Any failed attempts and your account will be blocked. -
3 I created an account but i didn't receive the confirmation message...what now?
Please be patient and wait. Usually it takes less than minute. If you're still not seeing the message, Please check the spam folder of your email account.
- 4 I have an account but i forgot my password?
5 How do i recover my account after it has been blocked?
Please contact us using the form on the home page in order to have you account unblocked.
6 I've now logged in, what next?
You will be required to initialize your details in case you've not done so under Accommodation, Tours travel or Tour guides. Any of the 3 forms can be accessed on top of the page.
After doing so, you will be able to access the forms and provide the necessary details. -
7 Are there any requirements needed before or after filling in the form?
Yes. There requirements needed. Please refer to Requirements page for more details.
8 Our do i view information regarding my details or registration, inspection or licensing process?
You can follow up on all these from My account page. Just click on the button on your top left stating MY ACCOUNT. Under FORM MGMT tab, all your form(s) you have registered under will be appear.
Please note that you must be have an account and be logged in. -
9 Can i change my password after login?
Yes. In case you've logged in and would like to update your password. Please do so from MY ACCOUNT page. On the first tab on the My account page, you will see the update password form. You must be knowing your old password before updating.
10 How do I make changes or correct my information on accommodation, tours travel or tour guides forms?
Before performing this task, make sure you have INITIALIZED your details. To do so, please refer to step 6.
If your information has incorrect details or you would like to have some information updated, please go to MY ACCOUNT . Then under FORM MGMT tab, look for the form whose details require updating, then under action column of that form, click on the request edit button after which you provide your details that require changing. -
11 Where can I view complete details of my form and probably print out?
To view your complete form details, please go to MY ACCOUNT . Then under FORM MGMT tab, look for the form you want to view, then under action column of that form, click on the view details button.
12 My license is about or has expired, how do I renew it?
In order to renew your license, please make a renewal request from your MY ACCOUNT . Then under FORM MGMT tab, look for the form whose license you would want to renew, then under action column of that form, click on the Request renewal button.